We are a Design Thinking and
Innovation Lab. 

We develop and offer micro-learning modules for educational institutions, organisations, and individuals and aim to foster the next generation of innovators and critical thinkers.

Our programs help students and life-long learners build their creative muscles to look at problems and situations differently. But what is Design Thinking and why is it important?

In describing Design Thinking as an approach to innovation, Tim Brown in his book ‘Change by Design’ wrote - “What we need is an approach to innovation that is powerful, effective, and broadly accessible, that can be integrated into all aspects of business and society, and that individuals and teams can use to generate breakthrough ideas that are implemented and that therefore have an impact.”

Our mission is to empower people to innovate and bring about change by leveraging Design Thinking or Human-centered design. Through our programs and interventions, we empower learners with new ways of thinking and problem solving that have the potential to not just solve the problem at hand but transform entire businesses, organisations, and societies to be more future-ready.

We facilitate the innovation process by leveraging Design Thinking. All our programs and workshop are crafted around 4 key axes or the 4P framework:



When solving any problem - big or small, personal or otherwise, there is a key question one needs to ask - Are you treating the symptoms, or are you finding a cure? An in-depth or root-cause analysis of the problem is critical to building impactful solutions.



Even the fanciest solutions in the world will not work if they don’t service the human need before the business need. People i.e. your customers and users can single-handedly determine the success or failure of any solution.



The golden rule of innovation: Explore every possibility around you! Don’t give up even when it seems you’ve run yourself out of ideas – because the brilliant ones will only come after the most obvious ideas have been exhausted.



The success or failure of a product (solution) depends on just one parameter – how does your user interact with it? To truly innovate and design creative solutions, it is imperative to remove our blinkers and get brutal feedback from the users. Take your product through rigorous prototyping and testing before launching it, and the success rate is bound to be higher.